what if i fail?

You’re going to what now?

Failure is a teacher and every misstep an opportunity to dig into the lessons woven in the experience. Taking a pause and inviting in a new question, “what is there for me to know here?” allow yourself to listen and find the answers within. I ask myself this question on the daily, when something crunchy comes up, or I feel frustrated and in doubt.

This experience could be inviting you to reignite your passions, recharge and reassess. Only you can truly know the truth, it’s what you do with the information that matters most. We must take the time to go within, get into alignment and seek the answer.

It’s a stepping stone to clarity, self compassion and growth. You just got some important feedback, now what? Decide what the best version of yourself would do, and take action from that place, not the place of lack or failure.

I fail all the dam time haha it’s just part of the human and spiritual journey, it helps us filter through the noise and get crystal clear on what it is we do want. And who doesn’t want more of that?!

If you feel like things just aren’t going your way, or you feel stuck and alone, I want to invite you to get quiet. When you take action from a place of anxiousness, fear and lack you make very different choices, then when you take the time to get into a more neutral place energetically.

It could literally change your life!

Here’s to your rising,

Big Love, Delain


you are worthy


what now?